Welcome to Seawright Homes' blog! For our first post I wanted to describe our take on home building and the environment. After reading our philosophy, which guides our approach to our work, I hope that you'll share your thoughts and ideas about sustainable home building as well.
Since 1972 Seawright Homes consistently has walked a green path. That path, now marked by "green" catchwords, is one that we have followed for more than 37 years out of a sense of "stewardship" for the land and our natural environment. As a "North Star" by which to align values and actions, the concept of stewardship has been the guiding principle for our achieving green and sustainable results in home building and community building well before a "green vocabulary" took on its present meaning and significance in a social lexicon.
Since 1972 Seawright Homes consistently has walked a green path. That path, now marked by "green" catchwords, is one that we have followed for more than 37 years out of a sense of "stewardship" for the land and our natural environment. As a "North Star" by which to align values and actions, the concept of stewardship has been the guiding principle for our achieving green and sustainable results in home building and community building well before a "green vocabulary" took on its present meaning and significance in a social lexicon.